Executive Coaching and Leadership Development
Recovery Coaching, Keynote Speaker
Services for Individuals, Organizations & Business

The “Conversationally Intelligent Leadership Process”
Executive Coaching and Training
Please contact me for further details on this Leadership Development Coaching and Training Package!!
Do as I say!
Most people have had experience in the workplace with leaders who utilized any of the above three leadership styles (and many other disrespectful and wholly ineffective strategies). These types of leadership approaches were built upon any number of antiquated ideas on how to effectively lead groups of people across all types of work environments.
Changes in the make up of today’s workplace, and across society in general, now place a greater premium on leaders possessing a cross section of skills that allow for a more authentic, flexible, trusting and inclusive connection with their teams.
And yet, on a much too often basis, individuals are elevated into positions of leadership within their organization based on the fact that they possess a history of technical competence in their role. It is just assumed ( a faulty one at that ) that their technical competence will translate into leadership competence. The assumption that “anyone can be a leader” remains alive and well, minimizing the realities of leadership as a distinct skill set, literally setting people up to struggle finding leadership success.
There is a better way to help prepare the next generation of organizational leaders!!!
I help present and emerging business leaders who are feeling stuck, unappreciated and frustrated in their present career path due to inadequate and insufficient leadership skills.
By working with me, and following my “Conversationally Intelligent Leadership Process,” you will become a compelling, admired, and skilled leader as you develop your own unique leadership style that is fully authentic to you, highly valuable to your organization and inspires deep passion, loyalty and massive productivity in your team.
The “Conversationally Intelligent Leadership Process” brings together concepts, practices and skills from several evidence-based modalities including Conversational Intelligence®, Psychological Safety, Family Systems and Positive Psychology.
My clients are empowered to utilize this comprehensive and robust methodology toward the development of a powerful array of personal and professional skills that will fast track them toward advanced leadership opportunities within their chosen organization.
This unique and comprehensive Coaching and Training Program includes the following modules:
1. What is your Leadership “Why”
2. Strength Based – VIA Strength Inventory
How to maximize your most inherent strengths, skills and talents
Becoming a “Strength Based” Leader
3. Creating your Authentic and Inherent Leadership Style
The PeopleMap Personality Assessment
4. Conversational Intelligence® Fundamentals: Understanding the “Neurochemistry of Trust”
Creating Safe, Trusting and Inclusive Relationships
Deconstructing your Conversational Style – Does it connect you with others?
What does Fight, Flight, Freeze, Appease have to do with Leadership?
Conversational Strategies and the production of Oxytocin
5. Leadership Integrity – “The Value Sort”
Leading others from a foundation of your “Core Values”
6. Advanced Communication Strategies for Leaders
What is the difference between “Listening to Understand vs. Listening to Connect?”
Clarifying “which conversation are we in”
Why are “questions for which you have no answer” the most powerful form of question?
7. Its all about your team – Humility and Leadership
Leaving your Ego at the Door
8. Stop trying to Motivate your team members: Motivational Interviewing Fundamentals
Empowering and Inspiring Team Members to find their own motivation to excel
Supporting Team Members ability to Aspire
9. Engaging your team members in their own Professional Development: Psychological Safety
“Teach me how you learn best”
What is the leader’s role in team member professional development:
“Responsible For vs. Responsible To”
10. Emotional Intelligence for Leaders
Setting and maintaining healthy and clear boundaries.
How strong is your “addiction to being right?”
Responding to Conflict: “Don’t push against their push”
Don't worry if you are Conflict Avoidant...We all are!
Want to connect with your team? Make yourself Vulnerable!!
11. Intra-personal Awareness: The Most Effective Leaders are willing to “look in”
Know your Stuff – Old tapes, Narratives and Assumptions
Beginning to identify where you “get stuck” as a leader
12. Fundamentals for the Facilitation of Effective Team Meetings – Don’t waste people’s time
Making sure that all team members are “in the same conversation”
13. Resilient Leaders/Resilient Teams: How to Learn from Difficulty
F.A.I.L.: First Attempt In Learning
What does the acronym H.A.L.T. have to do with leadership?
14. The Leader as Coach: Co-Creating the Vision